INSOURCE - conference on Professional Information Resources

Paper details

Information as a Competitive Advantage II.

Session coordinator: Dagmar Vránová, EPMA - European Projects & Management Agency, Czech Republic

Where: 5. 2. 2008, 13.30 - 17.10, Diplomat Hotel, Prague B-D

Italian Best Sources of Market and Business Information

Autor: Carla Vavassori, Strategie&Innovazione Srl, Italy


Milena Motta, Strategie&Innovazione, Italy



The scope of the presentation is to provide attendees with some practical tools to exercise CI on the Italian market. Foreign companies looking for information on the Italian market face some problems: understanding the complex Italian market and economical structure, and knowing the language, local laws and sources available. To help attendees overcome these hurdles, the presentation will initially provide an overview of the Italian market which is characterized by many small and medium sized local companies and a variety of subsidiaries of multinationals (often more based on production than on strategic formulation or decision making). More specifically, attendees will be made acquaint with a wide range of sources now available on-line and thus offering practical tools to find valuable information also for non-Italian speakers. Furthermore, the necessity of analyzing the information obtained in the light of the Italian market structure and the Italian fiscal laws will be discussed. To sum up, the presentation supplies attendees with an understanding of the Italian market that together with the practical tools and some case studies offered by the speaker enables them to improve the quality of their analyses of the Italian market and facilitate the process of information gathering.

About author:

Milena Motta has worked in CI since 1982 and started her own business based on her market research background in 1985. Today, Milena and her work team, consisting of four information professionals, work as CI and strategic marketing consultants for Italian and foreign companies. Through managerial training seminars, speaches at national and international conferences and lessons at courses “Strategic Analysis of Competition” at the post-graduate School of Management of the Bocconi University (Milan), Milena spreads the knowledge and usage of the CI tools. Milena has served on the boards of directors of web-companies, functioning as a marketing and strategy advisor. She founded SCIP Italia in March 1996 and was a SCIP Catalyst Award Winner in 1998. Milena chaired the 2004 European SCIP Conference and has been involved in many SCIP conference programme committees. She is the SCIP Italia Coordinator, promoting and managing the international association’s local activities.

Other papers in this session:

Market Intelligence - Method to Understand the Market

Author: Petr Šmíd, Consulting České spořitelny, a.s., Czech Republic


Milan Kálal, MBA

CIAD - the Solution for Coordinated Analyses and Sharing of Information

Author: Tomáš Vejlupek, Association SCIP CZECH, Czech Republic

The Importance of Competitive Information - The Thomson Solution

Author: Daphne Grecchi, Thomson Scientific, United Kingdom

Competitive Intelligence in Chemosvit a.s.

Author: Peter Ovšanka, Chemosvit a.s., Slovak Republic


Ing. Anna Diačiková, PhD.

Web 2.0 Opportunities for Competitive Intelligence Purposes

Author: Richard Papík, Charles University - Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship, Czech Republic


Vendula Papíková

Managing of Intelligence System at the Unipetrol Group

Author: Petr Dudek, UNIPETROL, a.s., Czech Republic